Tanzania Relief Initiatives give the provision of assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Legal aid is regarded as central in providing access to justice by ensuring equality before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial. In achieving our objectives, the Department will, where appropriate, conduct reviews on different aspects of legal aid services periodically taking into account the views and suggestions of the Legal Aid Services Council (“LASC”), users of the services and other stakeholders.

The main objectives of Tanzania Relief Initiatives are as follows:

(1) To strengthen the capacity building on legal literacy among legal aid providers.

(2) To extend and improve legal aid provision in the country.

(3) To initiate, promote, support as may be deemed expedient, any proposed legislation or other measure affecting the interests of its members.

(4) To build mutual understanding and coordination amongst legal aid providers and legal aid clients in the country.

(5) To operate an independent, efficient and cost-effective legal aid service;

(6) To ensure that no one with reasonable grounds for taking or defending proceedings is prevented from doing so because of lack of means;

(7) To ensure that in the interests of justice, no one charged with a criminal offence or with reasonable grounds of appeal is deprived of legal representation because of lack of means

(8) To improve the quality and accessibility of legal aid services to the public while achieving maximum cost-effectiveness